Orijinalini görmek için tıklayınız : GRAMMAR TEST - 003

01-16-2012, 17:56
1) ............... you help me with this heavy box?
a. When b. Do c. Will d. Please e. How often

2) Let's forget about it all, ............... ?
a. won't we b. will we c. don't we d. shall we e. let us not

3) "Now, ............... would ever need such a stupid gadget?"
a. When b. Who c. Which d. What e. Whom

4) This is ............... exciting book I've ever read in my life!
a. the more b. most c. more d. the more and most e. the most

5) This ............... look like my umbrella; it ............... yours.
a. mustn't / must be b. doesn't / must be c. is / isn't
d. isn't / would be e. must / mustn't be

6) Would you like .............. more coffee? I'd like you to have .............. more.
a. to have / no b. any / any c. to have / any
d. some / some e. --- / no more

7) I'd rather have it grilled ............... boiled.
a. from b. that c. then d. to e. than

8) I ............... read a lot when I ............... a child.
a. had to / had been b. used to / was c. have / have been
d. am used to / used to be e. didn't / had been

9) By the time we got home, it ............... raining.
a. had stopped b. has stopped c. stops
d. didn't stop e. will have stopped

10) By the time we get home, it ............... raining.
a. had stopped b. had't stopped c. stopped
d. didn't stop e. will have stopped

11) The world ............... a lot since the days we were children.
a. will change b. should change c. had changed
d. is changing e. has changed

12) "Which of the two do you want to have?" ".............. ."
a. Everyone b. All of them c. Nothing
d. Each one of them e. Neither one

13) Don't make .............. noise. Your father wants to get ............... sleep .
a. no more / any more b. any more / some more c. some / some more
d. any / no more e. some / some

14) He ............... already left when we .............. there.
a. has / got b. had / got c. will have / got
d. would / got e. --- / would get

15) ............... you like to go to the pictures (movies) tonight?
a. Should b. May c. Would d. Might e. Could

16) ............... door of ............... garage was damaged.
a. A / one b. A / a c. One / one d. A / the e. The / the

17) The letter ............... addressed to the wrong person. It never got where it was supposed to go.
a. will have been b. needn't be c. must have been
d. should have been e. ought to have been

18) He was born ............... eleven p.m. ............... March 26th ............... the year 1987.
a. on / at / in b. at / on / in c. at / in / in
d. on / in / on e. in / on / at

19) ............... man you've been talking about has just gone into the greengrocer's across the street.
a. --- b. Other c. The d. Which e. A

20) "............... did you two meet last night?" "How many times must I tell you? We didn't!"
a. Where b. Please explain why c. Who
d. Tell me when e. Whom

01. c 06. d 11. e 16. e
02. d 07. e 12. e 17. c
03. b 08. b 13. b 18. b
04. e 09. a 14. b 19. c
05. b 10. e 15. c 20. a